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  no hopers jokers and rogues
Alabama John Cherokee Nordwest Passage
A Long Long Time Nordseewellen
Abel Brown The Sailer Oh Shenandoah
All For Me Grog Old Mauee
Aloha Hea Pressgang
Angelina Pay me my Money down
Billy O Shea Paddy Doyles Boots
Blow Ye Winds Rio Grande
Bully In The Alley Rolling Home
Cant Ye Dance The Polka Round The Bay Of Mexico
Cape Cod Girls
Sally Brown
Clear The Track Santiano
De Hamborger Veermaster Sam’s gone away
De Hoffnung South Australia
Eddystone Light The Bonnie Ship The Diamond
Einmal Noch Nach Bombay The Dreadnaught
Epo I Tai Tai The Drunken Sailor
Essequibo River The Ebenezer
Farewell To Nova Scotia The Erie Canal
Fiddlers Green The Golden Vanity
Greenland Whale Fisheries The Jolly Roving Tar  (Ireland)
Hieland Laddie The Jolly Roving Tar  (England)
High Babaree The Leaving Of Liverpool
Hiss Em Up ! The Liverpool Packet
Ja Son Klein Büschen Windstärke 10 The Pilots Of Tiger Bay
Jamaika Farewell The Shores Of Botany Bay
John Kanaka The Sloop John B.
Käptn Kidd  The Twenty Fourth Of February
La Margot The Wild Goose
La Paloma Übers Meer
Leave Her Johnny Un Denn Segelt Wi So Langsom …..
Maggie May When The Ship Comes In
Mingulay Boatsong                                  Wellermann
Molly Mallone                                Whip Jamboree